Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Run Cycle Continued

For my next assignment, instead of working on animating a rig in Maya, I opted to continue development of my character's run cycle. This seemed to be a better use of my time since I intended to work in 2D animation for this class rather than 3D animation. In the video below, I have drawn a profile shot of my character's face, and drew a new cloak and gauntlet to match his running pose, put them in the appropriate places for each frame, then created a short loop of the result.

       After that, I added boots to the animation. I also sped up the amount of time each frame lasted for, except I left the frames where both the character's feet were off the ground at the same time slightly longer (0.1 seconds instead of the 0.05 seconds the other frames last for) -- I figured that in that tiny moment that he was airborne, he would be moving a tiny bit slower, since his body was being carried forward at those points purely by momentum instead of actually being propelled forward by the character's legs.

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