Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Run Cycle Drafting

For my next assignment, I created a draft of the run cycle animation I planned to create for my character. This draft lacked any sort of details or finesse, mostly serving to let me make sure I had the look of the leg movement right and that I was keeping the proportions consistent. I used this animation as a point of reference for the leg movement:

For my own character, I bent the torso farther forward, to give a better impression that the character was supposed to be running quickly. I also arranged his arms in a more 'ninja' sort of pose, with one hand in front and the other behind his back. It is a common trope that ninjas don't swing their arms like regular people when they run, and this page on TV tropes has details on how they are typically depicted running: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NinjaRun

Below is my draft. They have not yet been arranged into an animation, instead, I kept them all on a large image so that I could view each frame at the same time.

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