Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Talking Head Animation

After completing the run cycle, I next began work on an animation for times when my character -- who serves as the mentor in the game I made for Thesis -- is communicating to the protagonist. In those times, a text box is supposed to appear at the top of the screen, with a portrait of the mentor's face 'talking' while the text scrolls.

To create this effect, I added a blinking animation -- when the character blinks, his eyes become half closed for one frame, then totally closed for another frame, then back to half closed, then back to completely open. The result is a little slower than an actual human's blinking speed, but it makes the effect more obvious and noticeable, as well. After that, I split his moustache into two halves, then made a frame where they were normal, a frame where they were rotated slightly upward, and a frame where they were rotated slightly downward. This was to give the impression that his mouth was moving, because his moustache is so large that the character's mouth is actually not visible. The final result is below.

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